Favorite Dumb Pictures

In celebration of 2000 days as digital nomads, here’s a bunch of our favorite embarrassing photos. We also wrote a companion piece/update to our 1000 day celebration the best (and worst) of everything on our trip to date, both of which are far more meaningful and you should read them before this. Or instead of.

3D Trick Art Museum, Penang, Malaysia

Market Ice Cream, Penang, Malaysia

Little Drogon, Klis Fortress, Split, Croatia

The Iron Throne Changes You, Dubrovnik, Croatia

It's Real Big, Bucharest, Romania

As good as the pictures!, Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland

For Luck! Budapest, Hungary

Cub World Series Game 7, Merida, Mexico

Stuffing Face, Merida, Mexico

Nervous About Heights, Merida, Mexico

Two Wallflowers, Lima, Peru

Making Causa, Lima, Peru

Capping a Beer, Punta Arenas, Chile

Leaning into the Wind, Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Iceland

Beach Golf, La Floresta, Uruguay

7th Anniversary! Prague, Czech Republic

Happily Ruling, Hunedoara, Romania

Wine Photobomb, Zagreb, Croatia

Sandwich Meat Has His Heart, Nuremberg, Germany

Mass-sized Stein, Munich, Germany

Fresh Shotis Puri, Tbilisi, Georgia

Hot Afternoon, Batumi, Georgia

Million-cent Pyramid, Vilnius, Lithuania

Surfing at the Mall, Gdynia, Poland

The Train Returns! Quebec, Canada

Cookie Sheet Sledding, Seattle, Washington

Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time Tea, Boulder, Colorado

Up High on a Below-Ground Ferris Wheel, Salina Turda, Romania

Angry Bear, Chisinau, Moldova

Kevin and his new Plant, Chisinau, Moldova

Beware the Bear, Vilnius, Lithuania

Free Entry!, Kotor, Montenegro

Out for a Walk, Tallinn, Estonia

Standing over 170 meters of air, Tallinn, Estonia

Thanks for playing!

To the Top! Edinburgh, Scotland

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